Alano Club Meeting Guide

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Inside Meeting Guide

Groups Meeting at Alano Club

Daily Schedule below.

Way Back Group

Meetings every day 12 pm and 6 pm

Early Birds

Monday thru Saturday, 7:30 am

New Beginning

Saturdays 9:30 am

Attitude Modification

Sunday 8:00 am

We now have an Al-Anon Meeting

They meet every Monday at 4:30 PM
at the
Alano Club at 625 Codifer Street in Slidell.
**All are welcome if your spouse or a child of an alcoholic.**

Meeting Format Key


"C" denotes a closed meeting for Alcoholics only


"O" denotes an Open Meeting 
These meetings are open to anyone with an interest in nAA


"D" denotes a Discussion meeting

"T&T"  &  "BB"

"T&T" denotes a Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions meeting
"BB" denotes a Big Book of AA study meeting

Meeting Schedules

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8:00 am ----- "C, D"--- Attitude Modification

Noon ---- "O, D"--- Way Back Group

6 pm -----"O, D"---  Way Back Group
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7:30 am -----"C, D"--- Early Birds
Noon ------- "O, D"--- Way Back Group
6 pm --------"O, D"--- Way Back Group
                                    (12X12 study)
 *** 4:3 0 pm----Al-Anon
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7:30 am ----- "C, D"--- Early Birds
Noon --- -----"O"------- Way Back Group
                                                               (12X12 study)

6 pm ---==-- "O, D"--- Way Back Group
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7:30 am ------ "C, D"--- Early Birds
Noon -------- "O, D"--- Way Back Group
6 pm --------- "O, "--- Way Back Group
                                    (Big Book Study)
Aa symbol small


7:30 am -----"C, D"--- Early Birds
Noon -------"O"----- Way Back Group
                                                  (Big Book Study)
6 pm -------"O, D"---- Way Back Group

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7:30 am ----- " C, D"---Early Birds
Noon ---------"O, D"--- Way Back Group
6 pm ----- ---- "O" ---- Way Back Group
                                                       (New Comers Meeting)     
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7:30 am -----"C, D"--- Early Birds
9:30 am-----"C, D"--- New Beginnings
(new group give them your support)
Coffee and Donuts every Saturday

Noon ---- ---"O, D"--- Way Back Group
6 pm --------"O, D"--- Way Back Group
The last Saturday of every month is a speak and eat night. There is a potluck dinner at 5:00 pm and a Guest Speaker at 6:00 pm. Come enjoy good fellowship.      
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New Beginnings Group

Join us for a great meeting with Coffee and donuts every Saturday
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6 pm --------"O, SPEAKER"--- Way Back Group
The last Saturday of every month is a Speak & Eat. Bring a dish to pass at 5:00 pm and then a Speaker at 6:00 pm.

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